How to Bid Out Your Commercial Glazing Construction Project

How do you outbid a competitor on a commercial glass project? You’ll have to stand out from your competition. And it’s not just about giving the lowest number. 

General contractors are looking for two things beyond a low price: 

  • Quality 
  • Professionalism

“How do I ensure that these qualities shine through the initial bid offer?”

Springfield Glass Company, a commercial glazing contractor in Springfield, Missouri, explains six ways to make your construction project bid stand out. 


1. Go beyond just being a number

Contrary to what you might think, price is the least reviewed factor. Credentials are what catch someone’s eye. That’s why you need to provide a holistic bid offer, not just a low number. 

Show off your prior successful projects, add details to your bid, and provide valuable insight.


Here’s the truth: 

Many general contractors are trained to look for more than the total price.  

You can help the GC to look past the total price by providing a base cost and listing out the prices for additional items/materials. Provide price information for each item. If an item is too expensive or not applicable, highlight some alternative options for the GC to consider. 

See? You’re not just submitting a bid. You’re adding value before the project has even started. Go the extra mile and include an executive cover page that outlines the key points of the bid.

Bid an alternate, just in case other companies don’t bid per specification. Add more details that are relevant to your bid: 

  • Specify terms and conditions 
  • Detail deviations from plans 
  • Alternative materials 
  • Customer request changes

2. Know the bid instructions and project requirements

Bid what the customer wants, not what you think they want. Follow the instructions for the bid. It might sound straightforward but you’d be surprised how often this gets missed. 

Many commercial contracting companies don’t read the bid instructions fully, making the bid either non-responsive or incomplete. 

Don’t follow suit. Demonstrate your knowledge and competency. 

Since you’ll be doing the work you’ll need to know the scope of the project inside and out. There’s no point in the GC having a better understanding of the project than you do.  

An accurate bid proposal (along with some personalization), will let the GC know that you’ve done your research, and you’re a competent alternative to many competitors. 

3. Start early and communicate 

The front-facing work you do, prior to the bid date, sets you up for success later on. 

Some glazing companies send out a bid scope several days in advance, outlining the bid proposal without the price. Why? 

This sets the stage for a discussion of the bid and project requirements with the GC before they get too busy to talk near the deadline. 

Remember: Questions may come up. When they do, be responsive, and give good answers.   

4. Explain the logistics and showcase your knowledge

Explain how you will do the job better than the competition. Showcase the logistics of how you will meet the client’s needs: 

  • Who will manage the project
  • Estimated lead times 
  • Organizational charts 
  • Executive management plans 
  • Operational personnel 

With the growing issue of labor shortages and workplace performance concerns from management across the country, you need to provide confidence to your client that you have the right workforce for the job. 

5. Demonstrate industry professionalism 

So many subcontractors do a “just good enough” performance or leave clients feeling underwhelmed at the end of a lengthy construction project. Here’s how you can avoid this.  

One word: Transparency. Be open about your internal procedures and provide some insight into how you’ve met prior clients’ project needs. Sell to your company’s strengths. 

Demonstrating professionalism is as simple as having good formatting. Your proposal should aim to have elements that showcase: 

  • Consistency
  • Organization
  • Clarity
  • Reflect the client’s need

Lastly, give the GC a person to contact for any further questions. 

That’s it. Do these things, and your bid proposal is sure to stand out. 

Looking for a Premier Commercial Glazing Company in Springfield?

With over 35 years of experience in commercial glass installation for large-scale construction projects, our team of glazing specialists ensures transparency, as well as streamlined efficiency, from start to finish. Contact us today for more information: (417) 833-6555.

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